Where True Power Comes From

Samuel Schneider
4 min readJan 11, 2019

Defeating Analysis Paralysis Once and for All

What is Analysis Paralysis?

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, ‘‘Analysis paralysis occurs when an individual becomes so lost in the process of examining and evaluating various points of data or factors for a problem that they are unable to make a decision with it.’’ We’ve all been there…and to be honest it is a real b*tch!

BUT there is a way to become aware of its source , to turn it to our advantage and finally to take action and get closer to our desired outcome.

Churchill once said to his war machine engineers - “The maxim ‘Nothing avails but perfection’ may be spelled shorter: ‘Paralysis.’

So how did I overcome it?

(Cutting through the chase because time is precious)Here are the steps :

1) I figured out the root of my fears.

Because, yes, paralysis always and only comes from deep internalized fears. *fear of missing out or FOMO does count*

Let’s get a little deeper into this because it will help you and me understand how to overcome this simple pattern.

For me, I had to unlearn a concept I thought I knew inside out : Selecting your Niche

I thought that getting niche meant I couldn’t market to other industries or type of clients… But in reality I couldn't be farther from the truth.

Actually, going extremely narrow on a niche allows you to talk, engage and learn intimately how your Starting audience is like, to help them make an enlighten choice.

Starting audience’ is the keyword here.

You need to be able to communicate in an effective way in order to get any kind of traction if you begin with none. Remember though! There is no actual rule that doesn’t let you work with a client from a different niche — and trust me, it will happen when you’re client base starts referring you to their business friends.

2) Go on a low information diet

I took this term from the book The 4 hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss but repurposed his concept initially directed at time management and implemented it to uncloud my thoughts. I consumed only the pieces of content I needed to be able to take a direct action immediately, sometimes I even didn’t bother to finish the article, book or video. If I was able to find something I could implement right now to an important task, I had won. Same principle, extreme benefits.

3) Lay out your preferred options then choose ONE

Just look at some options — ANY OPTIONS — and try one. It’s exactly like picking a dish you never tasted before, if you know what you kinda like, you will rarely hate it. Make a move and adapt while you’re picking up momentum. Our purpose is to get out of the passive state as quickly as possible and get moving on a path, any path is better than none. If you’re like me and can’t always decide solely on experience and intuition you must at all cost avoid cluttering your mind with external a data. Don’t fear making a mistake because anyway the risk is zero, only the percieved risk is high due to misconceptions and unproved judgment.

“If you’re not moving forward, you’re falling back.” -Sam Waterston, American actor, producer, and director

When you don’t have much money to lose, all you have left is time and if you can’t get over the fact that you might waste some time, imagine how much would have been wasted by not taking action.

Is it going to work? You can’t know until you try

True power comes from being able to make your own decision with a clear mind and a meaningful purpose.

Thanks you very much for reading this, now is your turn to implement and act on your ambition. Whether it be getting to a better situation in life, moving forward with your business idea or just sleeping better at night.

Share this with someone that needs it please. It could truly resonate with them even if it didn’t for you, don’t be afraid to leave me a comment and feedback.

You can also keep following my action taking process on my personal Facebook page where I’ll be soon posting my full video conversation with my personal mentor and learning along side me to become a better business owner.



Samuel Schneider

On medium I go deep into my process and share my point of view on #entrepreneurship and its challenges.